Thursday, January 5, 2012

Young women and self esteem

Yesterday I watched  Yes, its a mess.  But they had a group of 14 year old girls on there who of course dressed very provocative and was very disrespectful to themselves and their mothers.  They slept around and found it cute that older men found them attractive.  Now, even though this did not have a direct effect on my, I found myself getting very upset.  I think what bothers me the most was that my daughters will be 11 and 12 this year and that's very close to the age of these young girls.  The entire time I kept talking to them thru the TV (like I was crazy) because they were beautiful little girls and I knew that no matter what they said, they had low self esteem.

To all you young women reading this, know that there is not a man on earth that can love you more than God does.  Even though society has made it seem like you are only beautiful if you show your bodies or sleep with men that this is "the thing to do". But it's not!  There is so much more to live than sex and having a man want you.  Let God be your man.  He can do things with and for you that no man can.  Beauty comes from the inside...not the outside.  I have seen some of the most beautiful women (in the face) but they were nasty and ugly inside...that's not attractive either. 

Trust me ladies, I speak from experience.  I've been there and done that.  Focus on educating yourself and becoming what God has planned for us.  Learn to trust Him!  Give yourself to Him!  And if it is meant for you to have a man in your life, let Him send it to you.  Too often we want to do things ourselves and unfortunately make the wrong decisions.  Slow down, be patient, learn to love yourself first...and love God always.

Don't let anyone steal your joy...If you give your joy, song, or self-esteem to someone else, you have played the part of a fool.  Don't let anyone control your mind, your joy, or your destiny other than God.
I just hope and pray that the love my husband shows our daughters is enough for them to know and trust that they don't have to give themselves to a man or show their little bodies off to feel beautiful and accepted.  Thank you Lord for a husband that loves his girls and tells them how beautiful they are and that not only does he love them but that there's a Heavenly Father above that loves them too.

Father bless the young women of today.  Fill their hearts with your love.  Help them to understand your plan for them in this world and may they choose to follow you.  In Jesus name.

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