Friday, January 27, 2012

Esther: Crowned in Crisis

Esther 4:13
Background: The King of Persia was had a wife who disrespected him by telling him "no".  With that being said, the king decided to hold a beauty pageant to find a new wife.  Mordecai, a Jew, was Esther's cousin who had adopted her and he put her in the beauty pageant and she won and became the king's wife.  Now Hamon was the king's right hand man and he did not like the Jews especially Mordecai who would not bow to him.  So Hamon plotted to kill all the Jews.  Keep in mind, the King does not know that Esther is also a Jew.  At the same time, the king was loosing sleep because he remembered that Mordecai had saved his life previously and he had not yet honored him.  When Mordecai finds out about Hamon's plans, he goes to Esther and tells her to go to the king to save her people.  Esther went in to the King and invited him to another banquet with just herself and Hamon.  At the banquet, Esther tells her husband of the plot against her people and asked him to spare their lives.  The king asked who was doing this and she pointed at Hamon.  The King hang Hamon and his 10 sons and gave Mordecai all of Hamon's possessions.  Ester then tells the king there are still so many who are looking to kill the Jews so they still needed his help.  The King said he could not undo the law but he did write another law for the Jews to be armed and able to fight back.  And they did...and won.

The wealth of the wicked will be bestowed on the righteous.  Nothing is impossible with God.  With Him on your side, who can go against you?

The name "Esther" in Persia means "star".  God is looking for women to be stars.  Esther was willing to die for what she believed in.  Are you?

You should have the moral courage to say "NO".  Especially when your honor, integrity or future is at stake.  This could keep you out of a lot of trouble.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ruth: The Woman Who Got Her Man

Ruth 1:16-17
Background:  Naomi had 2 sons that married Ruth and her sister Oprah.  Naomi's own husband had died and eventually so did the 2 sons.  That left Naomi with just her daughter in laws.  Naomi had heard that the Lord was in Judah feeding the people so she decided to take Ruth and Oprah and they would go there.  Then Naomi tried to send the 2 girls back to live with their mother.  However, Ruth refused.  She remained loyal to her mother in law even though Naomi had nothing she could offer her.  Ruth stayed right with her mother in law.  She didn't leave her.  She started working in the fields to provide food for them.  While working in the fields, God led her to Boaz.  Boaz owned the land and instructed the men to drop as much wheat as possible in Ruth's path.  That way, all she would have to do is walk by and pick it up in just minutes.  This was Boaz's first sign of interest in Ruth.  So Naomi instructed Ruth to dress up nicely and go down to where Boaz was.  She did and as it went on, Boaz took Ruth as his bride and acquired all her debts and despair.

Boaz did for Ruth what God has done for us.  We are the bride of Christ.  When you are following the Lord he drops handsful of blessings and favor in front of you.  Boaz was eager to redeem Ruth as Christ is eager to redeem us fro our sin.

The book of Ruth is a story of love and loyalty!!  The power of love is stronger than death.
Every marriage should have loyalty.

When you discover God's purpose for your life you will have supernatural power that you will have never dreamed you could have.

The path of least resistence makes man crooked.

Ask yourself...Where are you leading your family?  You can lead your children into sin easier than leading them out of it.  What you do...they will do.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I just wanted to give a word of encouragement to all my readers.  I had to take to break and talk with God about what I was doing and my true purpose of this blog.  As I am seeing, there is so much more to this blog and I hope that those reading it are finding ways to reconnect with God.  I only wish that it so many didn't have problems responding to the blog because I truly want to get feedback from you all.  This is my journey as well.

I believe that God is going to bless this blog as well as the readers.  I am truly inspired and encouraged.  If ONE person is saved/changed/rededicated or whatever word you choose to use...then this blog will have been well worth it.

I believe the more we learn we will be propelled.  Do not be discouraged and keep the faith.  This journey is long and narrow but we are here to encourage and support each other as women of God.  No matter what the problem, God is here with us and will not put more on us that we can bear.  Keep praying, keep reading His word, and keep lifting up His name.

I was introduced to a song by Detrick Hatton called WELL DONE.  The first words to the song are:
I just wanna make it to Heaven.  I just want to make it in...
Those words along describe my being...I just want to make it to heaven!  I won't give up for that is my final destination.  I pray that each reader is blessed and continues to receive the grace of God.

Be blessed

Tamar: The Sex Scandal---The Portrait of God's Grace

Genesis 38:15
Background:  Tamar was married to Judah's eldest son who was an evil man so God killed him.  Judah instructed his second son to marry Tamar (as he should) and give her a child.  This son didn't want to do that and he was also killed.  Judah then insisted that Tamar live in their home until his youngest son Shelah was an adult and he would take her as a wife.  She didn't want to but did.  After Shelah was grown up, Tamar saw no signs of him taking her as a wife and here she was still without a child.  In the Bible days children were seen as a great blessing from God.  Therefore, out of desperation and frustration of being childless, Tamar tricked Judah into having sex with her by dressing like a prostitute.

Along a journey Judah saw a woman he thought to be a harlot.  Judah asked her to have sex with him not knowing she was Tamar.  She in turn asked him for payment.  Judah promised her a baby goat and gave her his ring, cord, and staff as collateral until he could send the goat back to her as she requested.  They had sex and Tamar became pregnant.

Keep in mind, Judah wanted his son Shelah to marry Tamar and give her a child and that had not taken place.  So once Judah heard Tamar was pregnant he said bring her so they could burn her with fire.  They do and when he asks who was the pregnant by which deserved death, Tamar showed him his possessions!  Judah was not stoned to death because Tamar did not disclose his name (reminds me of the book The Scarlet Letter).  She forgave him and did not try to destroy him.

When you forgive someone, you totally free yourself from their power to control you.  Forgiveness is not for the other person but for you to be free.

You are saved by the GRACE of God.  Not by joining church, or by acts of what you do, or by giving to the poor.  You are saved when you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life.  You are saved becausee Jesus died on the cross and that's what makes you a follower of Jesus Christ.  "For by grace, you are saved".

Grace---The unmerited favor of God

When Satan creeps up and tries to convince you that you are worthless and beyond redemption, the Bible tells you to rejoice because your sins have been forgiven.  There is more of God's grace than your inequities. 

God's grace will set you free.  Learn to forgive yourself because God has.

Most of us live or was raised in dysfunctional families and you may feel cursed.  But don't use your dysfunctional family as an excuse for what you have become.  You are responsible for you.  Your best example is Jesus Christ.  Consider how many dysfunctional families/people God used in the Bible.

Don't give up on yourself.  If you are in or from a dysfunctional family there is a door of hope brighter in your future.  When Jesus gets involved in your life it doesn't take forever for you to be turned around.

Read Hebrews 11:31

Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Faith is action based on the word of God.  The just shall live by faith.  Without faith it is impossible to please God.  Faith is the victory that overcomes the world.  Love will not save or heal you, faith can!

Stop living by your emotions and learn to stand on the word of God.  Its not what you believe, its what you obey that brings the blessing.  Demons believe in Jesus but don't obey Him.   A lot of people go to church and believe Jesus is the Messiah but do not obey His commands.  Jesus said you are mine IF you obey.

Be Blessed

LESSON 2 Mindset of a woman--Study Questions

  1. In Titus 2:4 we read that older women are to encourage younger women.  The word encourage  carries the idea of training another to be sober-minded about one's duties or responsibilities.  What do the Scriptures say about who is to be sober-minded? ( See 1 Thessalonians 5:8, 1 Timothy 3:2, 11 and Titus 1:7-8, 2:2, 4-6).
2.  Why is it so important to be sober-minded? (See 1 Thess. 5:2, 6; Titus 2:11-14; and 1 Peter 4:7 and 5:8).

3.  According to Titus 2:3-5, in what areas are women to be sensible and serious?

4.  What major factor contributes to a prudent and sensible spirit? (See Psalms 37:31, 119:9-11; and Proverbs 2:6-7)

5.  What does the emphasis on sober-mindedness teach us about our duties listed in Titus 2:3-5?

6.  Read Titus 2:3-5 and assess your attitudes toward godly living, marriage, parenting, and homemaking.  Are you intent on these areas, training yourself to excel at them?  In which areas do you see room for growth?

7.  What changes or commitments do you need to make so your everyday living will reflect your priorities?

Be blessed

Saturday, January 7, 2012

In my feelings

Sometimes I feel so alone and insecure.  Sometimes I feel unsupported and disappointed.  Sometimes I feel like giving up  on my career aspirations, love, family and life in general.  But because I believe in God and I believe that He will not put more on me than I can handle...I keep trying to push through.  It's hard!!!

Nobody seems to understand or care that I have feelings too.  No matter what I do...its not good enough.  Sometimes I sit in my home and tears flow from my face like a faucet and I don't know why...for sure.  I am my own worst critic and I can point out my own faults even if I don't express them openly to anyone.  No one really knows my story except me and God.  At this point in my life I just want to hear the voice of God.  Which I wish was audible to my ears because this state of confussion I am in is taking control of my life.

I feel like I carry the burden of many who respect me enough to confide in and friends.  If they hurt, I hurt.  My tears are not only for myself but for them.  My creating this blog was not only for myself but for them...a stepping stone, guidance.  Unfortunately, I try to make everyone happy...which is impossible.  And instead I leave myself out of trying to be happy.  I'm being criticized because my postings don't always reflect what people think I should be doing since my life does not fully reflect those things either.  All I ask is that people who know me are patient with me...GOD IS NOT THROUGH WITH ME YET!  And when He is, I'm sure you will see the product of my postings.  I was looking for people to go on this journey with me...not telling others what to do.  Like I said, its all about the decisions you want to make in life.  I can't save you.  You salvation is up to you.  Here is just a place where the information is being placed.  Its up to you what you decide to do with the information.  Stop looking at the person giving it and focus on the info itself.  In my feelings.

Be blessed

Friday, January 6, 2012

Lesson 2 The Mindset of Every Woman

We as Christians know that the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night.  So we should always be prepared.  1 Thessalonians reminds us to wisely use the time we have on earth and be alert and sober rather than wasting the opportunities we have.

What do we mean by sober minded?  It means: serious, reasonable, careful, wise, disciplined or self-controlled.  A sober-minded woman makes the most of her opportunities.  She remembers time is short and needs to remain focussed on our priorities.

Satan is seeking to devour us.  He is attacking the church and God's word at every turn.  He uses the world and its many distractions, pleasures, and false religions to devour the weak in faith.  Many young women don't know how to take care of a home and family because no one ever taught them.  That is the main purpose of this teach and spread the word of what God expects.  When we don't adher to God's priorities, we become easy targets for satan to attack.  He seeks to take our focus off of God's priorities.  That's more reason to have the mindset of being serious about God's plan for us.

When I was a little girl, we grew up with friends whose mother was "saved".  Boy did we taunt them!  And even though I believed I loved the Lord I would say I didn't want to be saved because I didn't want to wear dresses all the time and I didn't want to be in a church everyday or night and all day Sunday.  We felt like we wouldn't be able to have any fun so other kids wouldn't play with us.  The good news is just becasue you are being sober-minded doesn't mean you have to be boring and not have fun!  We show we are serious about the things of God when we pursue growth in Godliness and avoid idling away our days.  Its funny that still today...some people think that being saved and living a Godly life is boring so they choose to continue to do the things of this world.

Read Proverbs 31
To become like the woman described in Proverbs 31, we must develop and maintain a serious mindset towards the priorities God has for us.  We need to learn to think biblically, heed God's word and OBEY Him.

What you think paves the way for how you live.  For example: if you think " I know Jesus is my Lord and Savior so I am saved and no matter what I do I will go to heaven"  then you probably show no reflection of God in your life.  And unfortunately this statement is not true.  You can't just do whatever you want and still go to heaven!  Your understanding of how important God's priorities are and your willingness to maintain that mindset will help you to more easily make those priorities real in your life.

Proverbs 18:15--The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge, the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.

Women should recognize their need for training and instruction in God's priorities.  Every believer must learn to feed upon God's wisdom which can only be found in His word.  However, wisdom stored but not used is only head-knowledge...useless.  We should learn how to think biblically in all things and decisions we make.  You can put a biblical thought foundation in place in your life simply by reading your Bible daily.  Another way of doing this is by doing a Bible study on topics or issues you are struggling with.  Hince...the purpose of this blog.

Think of God's priorities in Titus 2:3-5.  Which ones do you need to focus on in your life?  Are you applying the priorites with the diligence God desires?  Are you maintaining the proper mindset?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Abigail---The Woman Who Married the Wrong Man

Background:  Abigail was a beautiful woman of good understanding.  She married Nabel, a rich but evil man.  Nabel's name acutally means "fool".  Nabel sheared his sheep but insulted David when he asked him to share some sheep with his army.  David promised to kill Nabel and all 1st born.  Unlike most women of today, Abigail did not pack up and leave her husband but instead instructed her servants to gather up food and gifts for David and his men.  Abigail's intentions was to protect her husband and be a peacemaker because she knew her husband was a fool as she explained to David that Nabel was the son of the devil.  Without any retaliation on David's behalf, Nabel had a strok and died when Abigail told him the truth about himself.  Thus, David ended up marrying Abigail who went from being married to a fool to Queen of Isreal

Q: Have you or are you dating someone who God has taken out of your life?  If so...LET HIM GO! God has someone better for you to bless your life.  Good marriages are built on the principles found in the word of God.  Here is just 4 I picked up on:
1.  Do not date an unbeliever
2.  Do not date anyone who consumes anger
3.  Don't date a drunk
4.  Don't date a deadbeat who does not work

We like to pick our men, don't we?  Keep in mind, Abigail's marriage was an arranged marriage because that's what they did in those days.  But if you are a Godly woman and if you will just wait, God will bring you the right man.

A Godly woman, married to a fool, who walks in the path of righteousness, God will discipline that husband severly.  How?  He will stop listening to his prayers.
1 Peter 3:7
When  a husband abuses (any type) his wife, God cuts off communication with him.  If your husband plays the "fool", turn him over to God.

Women, do not be quick to criticize your husbands...YOU CHOSE HIM.  It is also not wise spread your business and seek advice from just anyone.  Get your advice from the Word of God.
Eph. 5

When you pray for your husbands, don't live in self deception, accept the facts and pray realistically.  The road to marital happiness begins when you accept the differences between men and women.  Abigail understood her circumstances.

7 Biblical requirements to maintain or restore marriages
1.  Forgive and forget the past
2.  The husband is the spiritual leader of the home (Eph. 6:4)
3.  Wives submit to your own husbands
4.  Children obey your parents for this is right (Eph. 6:1). Raise your children by the law of God
6.  Sexual freedom--understand your body is not your own.  Stop manipulating the other with sex (read 1Cor. 7:4)
7.  Husbands love your wives as Christ love the Church.  Love your wive as you love your own body and wives reverence your husbands.

Be Blessed...

Young women and self esteem

Yesterday I watched  Yes, its a mess.  But they had a group of 14 year old girls on there who of course dressed very provocative and was very disrespectful to themselves and their mothers.  They slept around and found it cute that older men found them attractive.  Now, even though this did not have a direct effect on my, I found myself getting very upset.  I think what bothers me the most was that my daughters will be 11 and 12 this year and that's very close to the age of these young girls.  The entire time I kept talking to them thru the TV (like I was crazy) because they were beautiful little girls and I knew that no matter what they said, they had low self esteem.

To all you young women reading this, know that there is not a man on earth that can love you more than God does.  Even though society has made it seem like you are only beautiful if you show your bodies or sleep with men that this is "the thing to do". But it's not!  There is so much more to live than sex and having a man want you.  Let God be your man.  He can do things with and for you that no man can.  Beauty comes from the inside...not the outside.  I have seen some of the most beautiful women (in the face) but they were nasty and ugly inside...that's not attractive either. 

Trust me ladies, I speak from experience.  I've been there and done that.  Focus on educating yourself and becoming what God has planned for us.  Learn to trust Him!  Give yourself to Him!  And if it is meant for you to have a man in your life, let Him send it to you.  Too often we want to do things ourselves and unfortunately make the wrong decisions.  Slow down, be patient, learn to love yourself first...and love God always.

Don't let anyone steal your joy...If you give your joy, song, or self-esteem to someone else, you have played the part of a fool.  Don't let anyone control your mind, your joy, or your destiny other than God.
I just hope and pray that the love my husband shows our daughters is enough for them to know and trust that they don't have to give themselves to a man or show their little bodies off to feel beautiful and accepted.  Thank you Lord for a husband that loves his girls and tells them how beautiful they are and that not only does he love them but that there's a Heavenly Father above that loves them too.

Father bless the young women of today.  Fill their hearts with your love.  Help them to understand your plan for them in this world and may they choose to follow you.  In Jesus name.

LESSON 1 Titus-Study quesitons

1.        Who is the author?  What details do you learn about that author from the book of Titus?

2.       To whom is the book written?  What details do you learn about the recipients within the three chapters of Titus?

3.       In a few sentences summarize the contents of chapters 1-3.  As you write, imagine trying to explain what chapters 1-3 is about to a 4th grader?

4.       What is the apostle Paul’s purpose in writing the book?  Cite the chapter and verse where you found your answer.

5.       What do the verses immediately before and after Titus 2:3-5 talk about? How are they all related in subject?

6.       After reading the chapters, in what ways are you making it your business to “excel still more” in these areas?

Monday, January 2, 2012

LESSON 1 Titus

Please don't ever take my word for the things I post.  Always find the truth in your Holy Bible

The book of Titus sets the standard of behavior for women.  It teaches new believers (of Crete) who were proud of their sin.
Titus 1:16---They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed.

Titus guides us toward the information that provides us with purpose, hope and peace.  God never changes and nor does His standard for suitable, proper, and fitting behavior.  Our goal as a Christian woman is to understand what is proper for us and then live it out because we love the Lord.  The best thing we can do as a woman of God is to imitate Jesus Christ to the best of our abilities.

God's priorities for us

It is YOUR decision to choose to do what God wants!!!  When we discount God's word, we are not rejecting our pastor, Sunday school teachers, etc.  We are actually rejecting God. (1 Thess.4:7-8)


A woman's character

Titus 2:3-5 gives us the basic foundation of our character as a woman:

2:3---Be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given too much wine, teachers of good

2:4---Admonish the young women to love their husbands and children

2:5---Be descret, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their husbands

Not many of us young women know how we should behave and from what I see nowadays, nor does a lot of older women.  That was not meant to be judgemental but truth.  What is your basic understanding of these scriptures?


The purpose of this blog is to be an outlet to reaching many women who are seeking Christ in their lives.  Living a Christian life is not fact, it is probably the most difficult decision we can make.  However, it is THE MOST important decision we can make in our lives.

Growing up, I was always very interested in "God".  Always felt His presence in my heart.  I was introduced to church by my grandmother.  And of course as I got older, decided I wanted to do what I wanted to do and strayed away from church participation.  So I was captured by "worldly" behaviors yet the desire to live for God was overwhelming.  I didn't have guidance.  I didn't know what I should do or needed to do.  All I knew was, I was unhappy and depressed and this is not what God put me here for.  By this time I had 2 boys out of wedlock and wanting the best for them kept me in a depressed and desperate state.  Until one day I walked into a church named New Mt. Zion.  Pastor Morgan was unlike any pastor I had heard.  He TAUGHT!  He didn't preach.  And his words were God's words.  I know because he always referenced the Bible...and thus I had to read it for myself.  I learned a lot...the foundation was being built.

I am now 38 years old, married for 10 years and together we have 4 children.  I am completeing my senior year towards a BS in Psychology and will persue my Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy. I love my family.  This was something I have always wanted.  I can't say that I've done all things according to God's word but I am continuing to try...with God's help.  Once again without guidance or a manual, I tried doing things my way.  God tore me down every time until I completely surrendered to His will.  I now know through scripture how I should carry myself and behave as a Christian, wife, mother, daughter, friend, etc.  This blog is my way of helping YOU (women who have the desire to live for the Lord) but are confused, unbelieving, or just plain scared.  Here will be a place where we can discuss issues in our lives and seek true Christian guidance to find the solutions. 

As I look at the young women I am surrounded by as well as the ones you see walking through the malls, schools, etc.  I am saddened.  My spiritual eye sees that they are lost and satan loves those lost souls.  I have never seen so many young women giving themselves to men so freely, depressed because a "man" is not treating them right, or suicidal because of how they "think" they look.  We as an older generation have to be the guide for these young people.  As such, we should be living our lives as a great example for them.

In the upcoming year, I will be working on developing my own Bible study workshop for women here in KS.  I want to be able to be a voice for God and help those with questions and concerns about being a Godly woman. I have a strong desire to live the priorities God has prescribed for me and as I proceed with this journey I invite ALL women to join me.  This is my first blog creation so there is still much work to be done.  I welcome any comments, suggestions to make this blog more productive and any suggestions that you would like to see discussed here.

Please tell all your friends about this blog and encourage them to join.  God is doing something special for us this year!!