Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tamar: The Sex Scandal---The Portrait of God's Grace

Genesis 38:15
Background:  Tamar was married to Judah's eldest son who was an evil man so God killed him.  Judah instructed his second son to marry Tamar (as he should) and give her a child.  This son didn't want to do that and he was also killed.  Judah then insisted that Tamar live in their home until his youngest son Shelah was an adult and he would take her as a wife.  She didn't want to but did.  After Shelah was grown up, Tamar saw no signs of him taking her as a wife and here she was still without a child.  In the Bible days children were seen as a great blessing from God.  Therefore, out of desperation and frustration of being childless, Tamar tricked Judah into having sex with her by dressing like a prostitute.

Along a journey Judah saw a woman he thought to be a harlot.  Judah asked her to have sex with him not knowing she was Tamar.  She in turn asked him for payment.  Judah promised her a baby goat and gave her his ring, cord, and staff as collateral until he could send the goat back to her as she requested.  They had sex and Tamar became pregnant.

Keep in mind, Judah wanted his son Shelah to marry Tamar and give her a child and that had not taken place.  So once Judah heard Tamar was pregnant he said bring her so they could burn her with fire.  They do and when he asks who was the pregnant by which deserved death, Tamar showed him his possessions!  Judah was not stoned to death because Tamar did not disclose his name (reminds me of the book The Scarlet Letter).  She forgave him and did not try to destroy him.

When you forgive someone, you totally free yourself from their power to control you.  Forgiveness is not for the other person but for you to be free.

You are saved by the GRACE of God.  Not by joining church, or by acts of what you do, or by giving to the poor.  You are saved when you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life.  You are saved becausee Jesus died on the cross and that's what makes you a follower of Jesus Christ.  "For by grace, you are saved".

Grace---The unmerited favor of God

When Satan creeps up and tries to convince you that you are worthless and beyond redemption, the Bible tells you to rejoice because your sins have been forgiven.  There is more of God's grace than your inequities. 

God's grace will set you free.  Learn to forgive yourself because God has.

Most of us live or was raised in dysfunctional families and you may feel cursed.  But don't use your dysfunctional family as an excuse for what you have become.  You are responsible for you.  Your best example is Jesus Christ.  Consider how many dysfunctional families/people God used in the Bible.

Don't give up on yourself.  If you are in or from a dysfunctional family there is a door of hope brighter in your future.  When Jesus gets involved in your life it doesn't take forever for you to be turned around.

Read Hebrews 11:31

Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Faith is action based on the word of God.  The just shall live by faith.  Without faith it is impossible to please God.  Faith is the victory that overcomes the world.  Love will not save or heal you, faith can!

Stop living by your emotions and learn to stand on the word of God.  Its not what you believe, its what you obey that brings the blessing.  Demons believe in Jesus but don't obey Him.   A lot of people go to church and believe Jesus is the Messiah but do not obey His commands.  Jesus said you are mine IF you obey.

Be Blessed

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