Thursday, March 8, 2012


We see that God's next priority for women touches on the matter of gossip.  I believe from time to time we as women are involved in gossip and we don't realize it.

Because gossip inevitably will affect us one way or another and because it is easy for a conversation to turn into gossip, it would be beneficial to learn what God thinks of gossip, its effects, and how we can show godly examples in our speech.

1 Timothy 5:13---Besides, they get into the habit of being idle and going about from house to house.  And not only do they become idlers, but also gossips and busybodies, saying things they ought not to.

Idle tale bearing and constant conversation about others is a characteristic of many unbelievers.  Still as believers we should not indulge in these conversations but instead, engage in encouraging words to build others up rather than tear them down.

Malicious gossip is vindictive and slanderous speech often stems from a bitter, unforgiving heart.

I know many of us don't feel like we engage in malicious gossip.  But if you have ever made an unkind statement about a brother/sister in Christ; repeated something about someone else that was false or at least not completely true or juiced up a story to try to make a person look bad, then you have engaged in slander and malicious gossip.  This too can be doe even if you are only thinking  it and not saying a word.

2 Timothy 2:23---Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments because you know they produce quarrels.

Those critical thoughts produce a quarrelsome spirit in us and this is not how God wants us to act.

The words we speak come from our hearts, which is why we must make the content of our thoughts a priority.

The quickest way to undermine unity, harmony and fellowship among believers is to engage in the lies and deceitful whisperings of gossip.  Instead, we are urged to preserve the unity of the Holy Spirit by walking in a manner worthy of our calling with humility, gentleness, and patience.
Eph. 4:1-3

How we should respond to slander/gossip
1.  First, console yourself knowing you are in good company.  Jesus said you are blessed if people insult you and say false things about you.

2.  Know that nothing can happen to you without God's approval.

3.  The best way to dispel disagreements or misunderstandings is to simply go to the person.

4.  Always respond in a Godly manner.  When we are insulted and reviled we are to give a blessing, which will bring shame upon those who slander and falsely accuse us.

Psalm 34:13 tells us to keep our tongue from evil and our lips from speaking deceit.  Understand, it is not ok to use ungodly speech.  The Bible makes it clear in Romans 1:28-32 that those who make a habit in gossiping and slandering others actually hate God.  We don't want to bring shame on the name of Christ by speaking like unbelievers.

The key to learning how to control our tongues is to spend less time in the flesh and more time walking in the Spirit.

Galatians 5:16 assures us that when we walk in the Spirit we won't carry out the desires of the flesh.  Remember when you walk in the flesh the Holy Spirit is not in control.

Don't fool yourself and try to justify the words you carelessly or wrongly speak because you end up in denial about your sin and forfeit the blessing and power of walking in the Spirit.

Before you talk bout someone else, consider these things:
1.  It is true?  If you don't have all the facts, you should withhold your comments or at least admit you don't have all the details.

2.  Is it king?  What you want to say may be true, but is it kind to say?  Many people have been hurt by someone just telling them the truth.

3.  It is necessary?  How would what you say benefit the listener?  Eph. 4:29 tells us we are to speak words "good for edification according to the need of the moment", so that it will give grace to those who hear.

Psalm 19:14---May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lesson 3 Study Guide

1.  Read Job 12:12; Psalms 71:6-9, 17-18, 92:14 and 148:12-13.  What do you learn from these verses about age and spiritual vitality?

2.  Read Deut. 34:5-7; Joshua 14:6-12, 24:29; Luke 1:5-9 and 2:36-38.  How does the aged serve God's people?

3.  If you are an older woman, how did the verses from the previous questions encourage or challenge you to press on in serving others?

4.  If you are younger, how did the verses from the two questions challenge your thinking about the spiritual vitality of the aged?

5.  What are some ways you can show an attribute of honor and respect toward the aged?

6.  If you are a young woman, as yourself, "Am I living in such a way now that I will be qualified to teach the younger women someday?" And "What priorities do I need to work on more so that I will possess the godly qualities of Titus 2 when I am older?". 

7.  If you are older, ask yourself, "Am I living according to the priorities of Titus 2:3-5? Do I possess the qualities listed in Titus 2:305?  If not, consider what steps you can take so you can begin to live this way.

8.  The goal for every woman, whatever the age, is to live according to God's priorities.  And we have privilege of following those priorities all of our lives!  What disciplines and habits do you have now that will aid your spiritual growth in the long run?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lesson 3 From Youth to Maturity

"At Twenty we worry about what others think of us; at forty we don't care about what others think of us; at sixty we discover they haven't been thinking about us at all."  Author Unknown

If we think about it, this is a realistic quote (lol).  When we are young and in our 20s, we (most) only think about ourselves and what others think of us; especially the youth of today.  If you've reached 40 or close to it, yo9u realize that what people think of you is not as important as what you think of yourself.  Then we have all seen cases where once we are elderly, sometimes, in some cases, we are left alone and not thought of.

There is no better place to compare attitudes about youth and aging than within the word of God.  For every woman, the examination process begins now because Titus 2:3-4 tells us that older women should encourage younger women.  So if we are going to do this, we have to learn how to respond rightly with each other...young and old.  We should be encouraging and encouraged to learn to understand how God uses people of all ages to help us grow.

It is common nature for us to feel more comfortable with/around thoseinour same generation.  However, this keeps us from reeping the benefits of getting to know those of other age groups.  It is God's design for people of all ages and life situations to minister to one another in teh church body.

Remember God desires the older women to train the younger women in the art of Godly living.
Gradually the inner lives of both younger and older women are revealed as they pray and study scripture together.

Even if you've just recently become a Christian and your former life was not characterized as it should be, you can still begin the process of ministering to other women in your life.  God saved you to save others.

Job 12:12---Wisdom is with aged men, with long life is understanding.

Developing the porper mindset towards those older
Because God uses older, mature women to train the younger women, the younger women should develop a mindset listen and respect older women so they can receive their help and counsel.

Lev. 19:32  Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and reserve your God.  I am the Lord.

The book of Proverbs calls gray hair the crown of glory and honor (Prov. 19:31, 20:29)

Develop the proper mindset toward younger women by older women
Although we get wiser with age, young women often lead the way in their deligent pursuit of godly wisdom and biblical understanding.

1 Tim. 4:12  Don't let anyone look dwon on your because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

It can be difficult for an older person to receive encouragement and instruction from a young person, but its helpful to remember God has often used young people in His plans.

Steps to Spiritual Growth (reiterated)
  1. Salvation---life changing salvation is your building block for Godly living.  Accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior.
  2. Seek God's Word---God uses His word to teach us about Himself and His ways.  Because the Word of God is what he uses to transform us into His image, the mor eyou read His Word and let it dwell in you, the more you will grow and love the Lord.  At minimum, you should read your Bible each day and have quiet time with God. 
  3. Seek to be rid of sin---lay aside sin and anything that destracts or entangles you.  Salvation calls for you to turn away from sin but you have to practice it.
  4. Seek to obey God---Your obedience to God is what sets you apart and marks you as a Christian.
1 John 2:3  By this we know that we have some to know Him, if we keep His commandment